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We support you
with our comprehensive knowledge

Knowledge about
Expertise on the inpatient (SwissDRG) and outpatient (TARMED, MiGeL, etc.) tariff systems.
Understanding of the process to obtain new reimbursement tariff positions and which stakeholders to involve.
Mentor for market access in the DCB Innovation Challenge as well as expert for the 2022 Digital Health Nation powerded by Innosuisse.
Broad knowledge of the Swiss healthcare system
Experienced market access experts
Deep insight into the Swiss healthcare system and its stakeholders
Understanding the incentives of a service provider (hospital, doctor's office, etc.) to adopt newtherapies
Background in Swiss
Master in healthcare economics and management (University of Lausanne and Lugano) and CAS in Clinical Trial Management (University of Zurich)
Over 25 years of experience in the Swiss healthcare system (hospital, outpatient group practices, medical technology)
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